Dear Citizens of Tucson,
Please join me and other voters concerned about our future as we engage in the City of Tucson's 2011 election for Mayor and Council in Wards 1, 2, and 4. I'm inviting all interested and eligible candidates to form, and voters to support, a slate of City Leaders to transition our city into a truly sustainable future. Four votes in your City Government will determine the allocation of water, focus of development, and creation of a vibrant local economy.
I am running for Mayor on the Green Party ballot line with the goal of building a mandate for Tucson to relocalize it's economic and social resources. The Green Party has ballot access in this years election and a Green candidate in ward IV only needs one signature to qualify for the ballot, only two signatures in Ward II, and three signatures in Ward I. For the Mayors race I will need 17 to 32 signatures from Greens registered throughout all six Tucson wards. However, Democratic and Republican candidates are also welcome, and encouraged, to join the Relocalization Slate as there is really nothing partisan about it--although they will need many more signatures to qualify for the ballot.
Four votes control our city's future, and four votes on the Tucson City Council are up for election this year.
The primary advantage of a slate comes from the ability to actually enact change. No matter how good the ideas of a lone voice in the wilderness may be, they will not be implemented when the majority blindly sticks to the status quo. However, four votes with a common vision for a sustainable future, and a realistic process to implement it, can produce change.
When most people think of a slate of candidates running on a common platform, they assume they all have to come from the same political party. This is not necessarily so. A slate of candidates using the relocalization platform could be made up of a Green, an Independent, a Republican, and a Democrat. The concept of relocalization cuts across party lines and builds on our common, shared values for the future we want. The primary advantage of registering and running on the Green Party ballot line in the upcoming City of Tucson elections is the extremely low nominating petition signature requirement. You only need to obtain 1-4 signatures in the Wards to appear on the ballot.
If you're as hungry for real change as most of us are, please contact Dave Croteau or Dave Ewoldt for more information and to become involved in guiding the direction of Tucson's future.
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